There are currently two regional representative positions vacant on the SESVA Committee, these being for the Great Southern Region and the Midlands Region. With the SESVA being the recognised representative voice for SES volunteers, your Unit is encouraged to consider nominating one of your members as representative for your area. It is important that the SESVA committee has members from all regions of the State to ensure inclusive representation on matters that impact emergency service volunteers.
The SESVA Committee meets monthly, but it is not essential that members attend every meeting, as consultation on issues can often be undertaken by telephone or email. The Association will however cover reasonable costs for the Committee members to attend meetings. In the event that more than one nomination is received for either of the vacant positions, a postal vote will be conducted as per the Association’s constitution. More information about the Association can be found on this this website or you may wish to speak to one of the current committee members, whose details can also be found in the committee members section on the website.
Nominations for these postions will be shortly invited.