SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

09/07/2010 – Storm Update at 8.15 am

State Emergency Service (SES) volunteers have been working through the night to assist people affected by the storm that hit Perth during the night.  At 8.15am,  78 calls for assistance had been received in the Perth metropolitan area. Volunteers from 7 SES units are currently out in the field. More calls for assistance during the morning.

In the metropolitan area the City of Canning and suburbs of Parkwood and Willetton remain the worst hit areas.  A man and a woman were taken to hospital after a tree fell onto a bedroom of a house in Ravenslea Drive, Parkwood at 10.37pm last night. A man was pinned by the tree in the bedroom. Career Fire and Rescue firefighters from Canningvale and Welshpool and SES volunteers from Canning SES Unit attended the rescue scene.  Young Lane, Parkwood had three calls of minor roof damage.  The majority of damage has been for roof damage, minor flooding (nine jobs) and damage to windows (1 job).

If driving, take extra care on the roads:
•    Slow down, turn your lights on and keep a safe distance from other drivers
•    If it is raining heavily and you cannot see, pull over and park with your hazard lights on until the rain clears
•    Take care in areas that have been flooded and do not drive into water of unknown depth and current

•    In a life threatening situation call 000
•    For information about road conditions contact Main Roads WA on 138 138
•    To report downed power lines call Western Power on 13 13 51
•    For the latest weather information visit or call 1300 659 213

More information about what to do before, during or after a storm can be found at  

