SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”


Severe Weather warning for Damaging Winds For people in areas southwest of a line Kalbarri to Cunderdin to Albany including the Perth metropolitan area, Geraldton, Mandurah, Bunbury, Busselton and Albany.
Issued at 5:10 am on Thursday 8 July 2010

An approaching cold front is expected to cause damaging winds and heavy rain today and Friday. The heavy rain with possible wind gusts to 90 kilometres per hour is likely to begin in the Augusta and Margaret River area this morning then extend to Perth and remaining parts during the day.  Stronger winds with damaging gusts to 100 kilometres per hour are more likely tonight and Friday morning near the west coast and then in southern parts during Friday. Localised stronger gusts with thunderstorms and small hail also possible.

The State Emergency Service [SES] advises people to secure loose objects, move vehicles under cover and stay inside away from windows. If caught outside find shelter away from trees, powerlines, storm water drains and streams.  Boat owners should make sure their boats are securely moored. Take extra care on the roads. If driving through heavy rain slow down and turn your lights on or if visibility becomes low pull over and park until it passes. For SES assistance call 132 500. For more safety tips visit


