SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

23/03/2010 – Western Power Update 12pm

Western Power has been able to restore power to nearly 100,000 customers affected by yesterday lightning storm however a significant number of customers, 64,000, are still without power. All planned work has been cancelled, contract crews have been called in and Horizon Power have kindly sent available crews to assist in the restoration effort.

Western Power expects to get the vast majority of customers back on this evening however there will be customers without power for a number of days while the damage is cleaned up. Westerm Power is currently attending to 110 powerlines on the ground and over 350 hazards, restoration work is carrying on in parallell with this work.

Western Power is asking that customers to only call its fault line, 13 13 51, if they are reporting a hazard like powerlines down or any other electrical hazards.

If your property has water ingress particularly into any electrical outlets including ceiling lights, do not use any appliances or other electrical equipment in your home and urgently contact an electrician to assess your property.

If you see any powerlines down, stay well clear and call Western Power on 13 13 51

Western Power has closed its 13 10 87 general enquiries number today to assist in answering fault calls, this is likely to be available tomorrow.

If your power is out for 12 hours or longer residential customers can apply for the $80 extended outage payment scheme. Please contact 13 10 87 tomorrow to have a form sent out to you or you can download a claim form from the website tomorrow.

This is one of the largest storms to have affected the South West electricity grid with 158,000 customers affected at the peak.

