SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

19/02/2010 – Lynne Hutch of Mandurah SES Funeral Service

Phillip Petersen ESM past President of the SESVA attended the funeral of long serving Mandurah SES volunteer Lynne Hutch on Tuesday 16th 2010 . Lynne and her husband Bill were active members of Mandurah SES when he joined in 1982.
Bill is a Life member of the Mandurah SES.  Lynne was 54 and her death from pneumonia and complications is a shock to Bill and Lynnes’ family, friends and Mandurah SES.

Phillip said he  was privileged to be part of the guard of honour at the unit’s request. Phillip would like to thank Blue ( SESVA Committee Member) & Gerry Renehan who are close friends of Bill & Lynne, for keeping us informed.

