SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

03/07/2024 – SESVA Newsletter for July 2024

Articles in this Month's Edition

Click the Newsletter button above to read these articles in full

From the President

Hi, and just a single statement: “Where is the year 2024 going?” Time is moving way too quickly with so much done and much more to achieve on behalf of the community SES Volunteers.


My Unit Karratha SES

Karratha SES Unit was born in the late 1960’s out of a requirement to provide remote and isolated communities with a coordinated response for land and air searches, roads crash rescue, cyclone and flood response and provision of response information sessions to the communities within the West Pilbara

SES Volunteer Advisory Committee

The SES VAC met on Saturday 27 April 2024 to discuss initiatives that the Committee will progress on behalf of SES members.


SES Volunteer’s Association of WA (Inc.)


9am Sunday 8th September 2024

Studio 2, Crown Perth Great Eastern Hwy, Burswood

Unit delegate nomination forms are being emailed direct to each member SES unit.

12/06/2024 – DFES Training Forum Part two

DFES Training Forum

We don’t get a straight forward process known as Recognition of current Competency (RCC) with other SES States and Territories. This is one of our major issues right now and it was covered at the forum in some detail.

As a result, there will be discussion and opportunity to improve this aspect. I can appreciate it won’t happen overnight but some quick fixes could be made after consultation and a plan of attack developed.

A large amount of material and ideas will be collected to deal with this aspect and, I for one, want to play my part to see it fixed. I am sure there are many stories SES Volunteers can recall at local unit level of members who presented strong, supporting paperwork from another state or an industry sector within their own state; skills and knowledge not unlike SES, but were told to do the whole course again. Wrong. Depending on the risk level (low, medium, high) of the skill it could be simply rectified with reliable ‘Third Party’ evidence. It might require sitting a theory paper, interview or a chal- lenge assessment at the high risk level. The nuts and bolts of RCC in some cases will require some work but should resolve many of the cases of RCC documents that sit in trays un-actioned.

There was huge emphasis on an Integrated Training Model (ITM) which is about developing and using new technology and strategies (whilst also using the current, standard approaches) to deliver initial training but also to maintain and as- sess currency and proficiency of operators across many ‘crucial skills’ and Divisions of DFES. I am sure a lot of members will encourage this aspect being developed across the board.

The Initiation and Improvement Recommendation (IIR) on-line form was also covered. DFES are endeavouring to streamline some internal procedures so they can geet to ‘action’ and respond to ‘originators’ quicker. Some aspects of the procedure are well before the product is rolled out so consultation improvements may well reduce the number of IIR’s entering the system in the first place

The Standardised On-Line Induction was mentioned but it does not have to replace the usual SES Unit Induction process which should also include the materials and topics within the on-line DFES Induction. This will be available to BGU’s that want to provide the information in a self-paced format, or when there is only a few volunteers needing to cover this aspect of Induction training. There will still be much to be addressed before the Volunteer moves into the regular training area of e-Academy.

Another aspect revealed at the forum was the Volunteer Hub and the support it can provide to the Volunteer – keep an eye out for a flyer with a QR code to link up with that area and some exciting developments are ahead. Have you seen the monthly notifications coming to your email or when you have gone to the Volunteer Hub page? That work is undertaken by Strategic Volunteer & Youth Programs who want to increase the usefulness of information provided to Volunteers (such as DFES systems and sites being integrated). The QR code will enable you to see what they are doing and they want constructive feedback from Volunteers so things can be improved. There are two strategic projects this group are keen to develop in the coming years – ChatBot 24/7 support (in 2024) and ‘Personalisation’ (in 2025) so it recognises you as an individual and can assist you rather than the ‘one size fits all’ approach.

How many of you saw or took part in that recent training activity at unit level with the Virtual Reality (VR) activity? This idea will be further enhanced to include other skills and activities across the divisions. It will fit nicely within the blended and integrated learning approach that the DFES Academy management and staff want to pursue over coming years.

Submitted by Les Hayter SESVA Management Committee Member, Lower South West Who attended the DFES Volunteer Training Forum 20 April 2024

11/06/2024 – Swan SES 60th Celebration

SESVA Secretary Allen Gale ESM presented a plaque on behalf of the SESVA to the Swan SES “in recognition of Sixty Years of dedicated service to the local communities by SES volunteers”.

Congratulations to the Swan State Emergency Service unit volunteers who are celebrating their 60th anniversary this year.

Swan SES volunteers are well-respected, well trained and their service to the City of Swan and Shire of Chittering communities since 1964 is to be commended.

The main celebration at Midland’s Jack Mann Oval on Saturday 18 May saw the community enjoy live entertainment, food trucks and behind the scene tours of the SES facility.

SES volunteers, dignitaries and the public took the chance to thank the Swan SES volunteers for their hard work.

Local Manager Daryl Coleman was grateful for the community and their supporters for getting behind the unit and helping them celebrate 60 wonderful years of the Swan SES.

The SES Volunteers Association setup a stand  to engage with SES volunteers and the public to raise awareness of the SESVA role and handout giveaways.

Following a Welcome to Country by Vaughn McGuire, an address was delivered by long time friend of the Swan SES, Michelle Roberts MLA.

Other speakers included City of Swan Cr Ian Johnson Midland Guildford Ward – Deputy Mayor and DFES Deputy Commissioner Craig Waters AFSM.

one of the displays on the day
Swan SES Volunteers

10/06/2024 – From the SESVA Secretary SESVA Elections 2024


The nomination form and nomination information are included in the last pages of the current edition of the SESVA newsletter and via the links below:

Fillable PDF Form

SESVA Elections 2024 Information

The SESVA Management Committee is a deliberative body. The general management of the affairs of the Association is vested in the Management Committee.

Management Committee members are elected for a two year term in alternate years.

If you have not previously held a position on a management committee, we believe you will find the experience rewarding, and maybe at times challenging.

Regional Representatives are the SESVA’s conduit with SES units. The SESVA WA responds to each SES Unit through the Regional Representative and the Unit Manager. Their role includes providing information, help and guidance from an SESVA perspective.

SESVA Regional Representative Ziggy Belczowski shares the reasons why it is so rewarding to be a Management Committee member of the SES Volunteers Association in WA.

“Being part of the Management Committee allows you to make a real difference in the lives of SES volunteers and the community we serve. As a committee member, you have the opportunity to shape the direction and policies of the Association, ensuring that our volunteers have the necessary resources and support to carry out their important work.

Additionally, being a Management Committee member provides a unique platform for personal and professional growth. You have the chance to develop valuable leadership skills, enhance your decision-making abilities, and expand your network of like-minded individuals who are passionate about community service.

Serving on the Management Committee allows you to stay informed and be involved in the decision-making process of the Association. You will be part of a dedicated team working towards a common goal and have the opportunity to contribute your ideas, insights, and expertise to help drive the association forward and ensure its continued success.

I encourage SES volunteers to consider joining our Management Committee and become an integral part of our SES Volunteers Association.”

09/06/2024 – Congratulations Robbie Palmer

Ian Goodenough MP, Federal Member for Moore presented a Certificate of Commendation to Robbie Palmer, Mundaring SES, at the 2024 Moore Federal Volunteer Awards during Volunteer Week. The commendation recognises outstanding work with the SES.

Robbie has been a long serving volunteer with the SES at Mundaring where he commenced more than 20 years ago. He has served as a Section Leader, Training Manager, Deputy Unit Manager and Unit Manager.

In addition to the unit activities, he reached out and accepted the role of SES Volunteer Association Treasurer, a position that he has performed diligently for the past seven years.

Robbie is a dedicated volunteer and gentleman of the highest calibre and displays exceptional integrity in dealing with volunteers, particularly with the intense work required to manage people successfully.

When Robbie achieved at the local unit what was possible in management, he then continued as a workplace trainer within the unit.

Whilst it is very easy to speak highly of Robbie, what is most impressive are his achievements to overcome many challenges in his life, and yet he is always there to support and help others.

Congratulations Robbie!

Ian Goodenough MP, Federal Member for Moore presented a Certificate of Commendation to Robbie Palmer, Mundaring SES, at the 2024 Moore Federal Volunteer Awards during Volunteer Week. The commendation recognises outstanding work with the SES.

06/06/2024 – From the SESVA President June 2024

From Greg Cook SESVA President

“The long warm to hot summer and autumn has broken”

In the past month, SES Volunteers’ value across the state has been shown through their commitment to their own and other communities.

The people of Bunbury have endured two large weather events that have dis- tressed many and inconvenienced others in their daily lives. Something that perhaps is again no surprise is that WA, our great place to live in, is subject to extreme weather events and we are impacted by nature which can cause some social disconnect.

To those impacted by these events, I trust your lives will soon be back to “your own normal” soon.

To my volunteer colleagues, it brings warmth to me that you continue to serve our communities for reasons that many may not understand. I was also involved with storm damage temporary repairs with my SES Unit in Perth. We don’t get paid, yet the value we bring to other lives in times of need is immeasurable. Thank you.

I am certain those who are in a position of influence, do appreciate your contribution. Whether this is through the spoken word or by supporting the SES position paper into the proposed Emergency Ser- vices Act that was in limited release to SES units, DFES and the Government on WOW Day, May 22.

Your Association stands to support SES Volunteers by improving the DFES Capability in meeting com- munity expectations in the future. The strength of having robust pillars within DFES that offer focused knowledge and resources is a foundation opportunity.

Whether you are supporting teams in the field from your unit premises or attached to a roof safety system repairing broken tiles, please stay safe.

Kind Regards

Greg Cook, President





Greg Cook SESVA President