SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

SES Volunteers Association of Western Australia Incorporated


Represent Volunteers

Be an independent and representative body of the volunteers of the State Emergency Service of Western Australia.

Communicate Information

Promote knowledge through the provision of information to the Volunteers of the State Emergency Service of Western Australia

Provide a Voice for Volunteers

Provide effective advocacy for the Volunteers of the State Emergency Service of Western Australia.


To Represent the views and interests of SES Volunteers in Western Australia to all levels of Government (Federal, State and Local elected members), DFES, non-government and other agencies on matters affecting  SES volunteers and how they respond to their communities.

SESVA Social Media & News

Issues Management


SESVA Committee Members

Key SESVA Activities


SES Units

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National SES Volunteers Association

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SESVA Committees, Sub Committee and Groups