SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

SES Acronyms

As the SES continually changes to reflect the community needs, so the many terms and acronyms used also change. 

To assist State Emergency Service Volunteers, the SESVA has researched acronyms used in the emergency services and compiled a list of as many as possible. 

This list will be updated on a regular basis as new and changing acronyms are advised.


  • You can use the search box to find specific acronyms.
  • The search looks for matches in both columns, so check down the left column for matches.
  • If you think a particular acronym should be added to the list, please email with the details.


  • Initially, there should be a list of acronyms displayed below the search box.
    If this is not the case, try refreshing the page before continuing.
1.4type of fire appliance 1000 litres of water and 4 wheel drive
2.4type of fire appliance 2000 litres of water and 4 wheel drive
3.4type of fire appliance
3000litres of water and 4 wheel drive
ABCAustralian Broadcasting Corporation
ACAssistant Commissioner (1 down from Deputy Commissioner)
ACAdvisory Committee (see SESAC)


Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission

ACOO(no longer in use) Assistant Chief Operations Officer (FESA)
ACSESAustralian Council of States and Territories Emergency Services
AEMCAustralian Emergency Management Committee
AEMVFAustralian Emergency Management Volunteer Forum
AFACAustralasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council
AFSMAustralian Fire Service Medal
AGDAttorney-General's Department (Australian Government)
AgencyA controlling or support agency i.e. DFES; DEC; LG; WAPOL etc
AGIAgrifoods Training Package


All Hazards Incident Management System

AIIMSAustralasian Inter-service Incident Management System and
AM(no longer in use) Area Manager


Australian Police Medal

AQFAustralian Qualifications Framework
AQTFAustralian Quality Training Framework
AS/NZSAustralian Standard / New Zealand Standard
ATSBAustralian Transport Safety Bureau
ATWCAustralian Tsunami Warning Centre (in Canberra)
ATWGAustralian Tsunami Working Group
ATWSAustralian Tsunami Warning System
AVLAutomatic Vehicle Location
AVBFBAssociation of Volunteer Bush Fire Brigades of WA
AWAREAll West Australians Reducing Emergencies
BABreathing Apparatus
BCPBusiness Continuity Plan
BEBuilt Environment
BFACBush Fire Advisory Committee
BFBBush Fire Brigade
BFLOBush Fire Liaison Officer
BFSBush Fire Service of WA
BFSCC(no longer in use) Bush Fire Service Consultative Committee
BGRBasic General Rescue
BITREBureau of Infrastructure; Transport and Regional Economics
BMPBush Fire Mitigation Program
BMR(no longer in use) Basic Mass Rescue
BoMBureau of Meteorology
BRAGBush Fire Ready Action Group
BSZBusiness Service Certificate IV
CADComputer Aided Dispatch
CaLDCulturally and Linguistically Diverse


Combined Aerial Pumper Appliance

CBCitizen Band (Radio)
CBACompetency Based Assessment
CBFCOChief Bush Fire Control Officer
CBRChemical; Biological; Radiological
CBRNChemical; Biological; Radiological & Nuclear
CBTCompetency Based Training
CC(no longer in use) Consultative Committee
CDCounter Disaster
CDCivil Defence ( forerunner to SESs in Australia)
CDEMCWGCatastrophic Disaster Emergency Management Capability Working Group
CEMOCommunity Emergency Management Officer
CEOChief Executive Officer
CFACountry Fire Authority (Victoria)
CFRSCareer Fire and Rescue Service
CFSCountry Fire Service (South Australia)


Criminal History Checks

CHOGMCommonwealth Heads of Government Meeting
CLT(DFES) Corporate Leadership Team (DFES Commissioner; DCs; ACs; EDs )
CLT(old FESA) Corporate Leadership Team (CEO; FESA EDs)
CoAGCouncil of Australian Governments
COMCENCommunications Centre (as in DFES)
COO(no longer in use) Chief Operations Officer (FESA)
CoVESACoalition of Volunteer Emergency Service Associations
CPFS(Department for) Child Protection and Family Services
CRCCooperative Research Centre
CWISCommunity Warning and Information System
DARTDeep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunami (buoy)
DAFWADepartment of Agriculture and Food
DAIPDisability Access and Inclusion Plan
DBADirect Brigade Alarm (Fire)
DCDeputy Commissioner (1 down from Commissioner)
DCBFCODeputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officer
DCP(old; see CPFS) Department for Child Protection
DEC(no longer in use; see DPaW & DER) Department of Environment and Conservation
DEMCDistrict Emergency Management Committee
DEMTTDistrict Emergency Management Training Team
DERDepartment of Environment Regulation
DFESDept. of Fire and Emergency Services (WA)
DIADept. of Indigenous Affairs
DITDept. of Infrastructure and Transport
DM(no longer in use) District Manager
DODistrict Officer (was called District Manager pre DFES)
DOACDistrict Operations Advisory Committee
DoCEPDepartment of Consumer and Employment Protection
DoDDepartment of Defence
DoHDepartment of Health
DoIRDepartment of Industry and Resources
DoTARS(no longer in use) Department of Transport and Regional Services (Aust. Govt.)
DPCDepartment of the Premier and Cabinet
DPIDepartment for Planning and Infrastructure
DPaWDepartment of Parks and Wildlife
DSCDisability Services Commission
DTACDistrict Training Advisory Committee


Employee Assistance Program

ECCEmergency Coordination Centre
EDExecutive Director
EMEmergency Management
EM2000SES Reporting System
EMAEmergency Management Authority (Federal Agency)
EMAct Emergency Management Act 2005 (WA)
EMWAEmergency Management WA (for whole of government)
EOCEmergency Operations Centre


Economic Regulation Authority

ERHSEmergency Rescue Helicopter Service
ERMEmergency Risk Management
ESAMCEmergency Services Associations Management Committee
ESCEmergency Services Cadets


Emergency Service Cadet Corps

ESCSEmergency Service Communications Strategy
ESLEmergency Services Levy
ESMEmergency Services Medal
ESOEmergency Service Organisations
ESSEmergency Services Subcommittee (of the SEMC)
ESVAEmergency Services Volunteers Association
EXOExecutive Officer (as per ESAMC)
F4PFit for Purpose
FaHCSIA(Department of )Families; Housing; Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Australian Government)
FCADFESA Computer Aided Dispatch System
FCOFire Control Officer
FCPForward Control Point
FEDOGFire Equipment Development Officers Group
FERFurther Evidence Required
FESA(no longer in use) Fire and Emergency Services Authority of Western Australia
FFFire Fighter
FIRSFire Incident Reporting System
FMDFoot and Mouth Disease
FMPFire Management Plans
FPIForest Products Industry
FPMCFlood Plain Management Committee
FRS(no longer in use) Fire and Rescue Service ( WA)
FRSCC(no longer in use) Fire and Rescue Service Consultative Committee
FSCField Search Controller
FSMFire Service Medal
GAGeoscience Australia (Federal Agency)

Geographic Information System

GPAGeneral purpose appliance
GPSGlobal positioning system


General Rescue Utility

GRGeneral Rescue
GSAGovernment Skills Australia


Gross Vehicle Mass


Honours and Awards Panel for Commonwealth Awards


WA Emergency Services Volunteers Hardship Assistance Scheme

HAZMATHazardous Materials
HEATHazardous Material Emergency Advisory Team
HELITACWater bombing helicopter (rotary wing aircraft)
HLTHealth Training Package
HMAHazard Management Agency
HMOHazard Management Officer (under the WA EM Act)
IBMCInteragency Bushfire Management Committee
IBSAInnovation and Business Skills Australia
ICIncident Controller
ICCIncident Control Centre
ICSIncident Control System
ICTInformation and Communication Technology
ICVIncident Control Vehicle
IERMIntroduction to Emergency Risk Management
IMSIncident Management System
IMTIncident Management Team
IOCInter-governmental Oceanographic Commission (as in UNESCO) part of ocean disaster warning research
ISCIndustry Skills Council
ISGIncident Support Group
ITInformation Technology
ITCIndustry Training Council
IWGInter-agency Working Group – for the ES legislative review started in 2013
JAFFAJuvenile and Family Fire Awareness
JATWCJoint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre (GA and BoM)
KICKwinana Industries Council
LEMCLocal Emergency Management Committee
LGLocal Government
LGGSLocal Government Grants Scheme (related to ESL)
LMLand Management
LSSLifeline Services Subcommittee (of the SEMC)
LSTLLand Search Team Leader
LSTMLand Search Team Member
MCFMobile Communications Facility (DEC)
MCPEM-EMMinisterial Council for Police & Emergency Management – Emergency Management
MEMEG(no longer in use) Metropolitan Emergency Management Executive Group
METMajor Emergency Team
MIMICMajor Incident Management for Incident Controllers
MIMMSMajor Incident Medical Management Support
MIRMajor Incident Review
MLOMedia Liaison Officer
MoUMemorandum of Understanding
MPAOMedia and Public Affairs Officer
MPMMMethod123 Project Management Methodology
MROCMetropolitan Regional Operations Centre
MRWAMain Roads Western Australia
NAFCNational Aerial Fire-fighting Centre
NCSWGNational Community Safety Working Group
NCTCNational Counter-Terrorism Committee
NDMPNatural Disaster Mitigation Program


National Disaster Rescue Challenge

NDRRANatural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements
NEVSF(ended in June 2008) National Emergency Volunteer Support Fund
NOAANational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NRAAGNational Assessment Advisory Group
NRISNational Registration and Inquiry System
NSIMNational Spatial and Information Management
NSSCNational Skills Standards Council
NUSARWGNational Urban Search and Rescue Working Group
NURENavigate in Urban and Rural Environments
NVFNon Volunteer Firefighter
OAMOperations Area Manager
OAMOrder of Australia Medal
OASGOperational Area Support Group
OCS&EOperate Communications Systems and Equipment


Operational Efficiency Payments


Operational Fleet Project

OICOfficer in Charge
OMSOperational Management System (fire)


DFES Operational Resource Review and Development

OTO(no longer in use) Operations and Training officer (SES)
P2PPortal to Progress (DFES progressive ideas portal)


Progress Advisory Team

PATProject Action Team
PCPersonnel Carrier (Landcruiser)
PIAPost Incident Analysis
PINGPublic Information Group (of the SEMC)
PLCCPresumptive Legislation Consultative Committee
PMELPacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
PPEPersonal Protective Equipment
PPRRPrevention Preparedness Response Recovery
PSITABPublic Safety Industry Training Advisory Board


Public Service Medal

PTAPublic Transport Authority
PUAPublic Safety Training Package
RAAFRoyal Australian Air Force
RAPReconciliation Action Plan
RARRoad Accident Rescue (SES)
RCCRecognised Current Competency
RCCRescue Coordination Centre (Canberra)
RCRRoad Crash Rescue (Fire and Rescue)
RFMP(now part of NDMP) Regional Flood Mitigation Program
RHQRegional Headquarters
RICRemote Indigenous Community
RICACRemote Indigenous Communities Advisory Committee
RMSResource Management System
ROACRegional Operations Advisory Committee
ROCRegional Operations Centre
RoCRecord of Completion (training term)
ROIPRadio Over Internet Protocol
RPLRecognised Prior Learning
RSSRecovery Services Subcommittee (of the SEMC)
RTORegistered Training Organisation
S/ASenior Assessor
SAStaging Area
SAPStanding Administration Procedure
SARSearch and Rescue
SARMCSearch and Rescue Mission Controller
SECGState Emergency Co-ordination Group
SEMCState Emergency Management Committee
SEOCState Emergency Operations Centre (WAPOL Maylands)
SESState Emergency Service
SESACState Emergency Service Advisory Committee
SESCC(no longer in use) State Emergency Service Consultative Committee
SESVAState Emergency Service Volunteers Association of WA (inc)
SEWSStandard Emergency Warning Signal (national)
SITREPSituation Report – Incident Operations
SIWGSpatial Information Working Group (of the SMC)
SJASt. John Ambulance
SLIPShared Land Information Platform
SLIP-EMShared Land Information Platform – Emergency Management
SMCState Mitigation Committee (of the SEMC)
SMESubject Matter Expert
SMSShort Message Service (mobile phones or trunked mobile radio)
SOISouthern Oscillation Index – used by BoM in planning outlook for cyclone season activity
SRISports & Recognition Indoor
SROSports & Recreation Outdoor
SOStation Officer
SOScientific Officer
SOCState Operations Centre
SOPStanding Operating Procedure
SRCCState Recovery Coordination Committee


Trainer Assessor

T/ATrainer Assessor
TAACertificate IV in Training & Assessment
TACTraining Accreditation Council
TAECertificate IV in Training & Education
TCTropical Cyclone
TFBTotal Fire Bans
TLITransport & Logistics Industry
UCLUnallocated Crown Land
UFUUnited Firefighters Union
UHFBand Ultra High Frequency (range 402 MHz – 512 MHz)
UHFCB UHF Citizens Band Service (channels - 477 MHz)
UMRUn-Managed Reserves
USARUrban Search and Rescue
VAC(no longer in use) SES Volunteer Advisory Committee – original name
VASVolunteer Assistance Scheme (Welfare Fund)
VVEACVolunteer Vehicle & Equipment Advisory Committee
VESVolunteer Emergency Service (an‘FES Unit’ under part 3 of the FES Act 1998)
VETVocational Education & Training
VFRSVolunteer Fire and Rescue Service
VFSVolunteer Fire Service (BFB & VFRS)
VHFVery High Frequency (range 30 MHz to 300 MHz)
VHFHigh Band Very High Frequency High Band (range 148 MHz - 174 MHz)
VHFMarine Very High Frequency Standard Marine (channels 156 MHz to 163 MHz)
VHFMid Band Very High Frequency Mid Band (range 70 MHz - 87.5 MHz)
VICGVolunteer Insurance Consultative Group
VKW200SES Radio call sign
VLOVolunteer Liaison Officer
VMRSVolunteer Marine Rescue Services
VMRSCC(no longer in use) Volunteer Marine Rescue Services Consultative Committee
VOIPVoice Over Internet Protocol
VOSVolunteer Opinion Survey
VRVertical Rescue (SES term)
VTAGVolunteer Training Advisory Group
WAERNWestern Australian Emergency Radio Network
WALGAWA Local Government Association
WALISWestern Australian Land Information System
WANDRRAWA Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements
WAPOLWestern Australia Police
WASES(no longer in use) WA State Emergency Service
WEOCWork in an Emergency Operations Centre
WestplanWA state emergency management plan. There are a number of Westplans covering different hazards eg; Westplan Cyclone; Westplan Welfare etc.
WGWorking Group
WTTME(ended in June 2008) Working Together to Manage Emergencies