SES raffle number 6
SES Raffle #6 is open and will close on the 30th of May 2025. The raffle will be drawn shortly after. First prize is a $1500 gift card. Raffle results will be published on nationalsesvaraffle.org.au/raffle-winners-wa-tas/ the following business day after the draw.
The funds raised in WA once expenses are taken into account stay in WA, meaning the Volunteer Association in WA, with the support of the National SESVA, will soon be able to fund beneficial activities for SES volunteers in WA by offering some rewards and additional activities, as well as creating new opportunities and funding new volunteer development projects For the benefit of SES volunteers.
National SES Volunteer Association National Raffle
West Australian residents can now participate in a fundraising raffle to support the community-based SES units and the SES volunteers.
Supporting SES volunteers in WA
Additional funding from the raffle will provide the opportunity for the SES Volunteer’s Association of WA (SESVA WA) to deliver development programs, provide welfare support and expanded advocacy services for hundreds of SES volunteers in WA each year.
The SESVA WA has reached an agreement with the National SES Volunteers Association (National SESVA) to participate in continuous fundraising raffle campaigns. The raffle is legitimate and complies with all relevant regulations in all States and Territories.
Funds raised in WA go towards the Volunteer Association in WA for the benefit of SES Volunteers in WA, meaning the Volunteer Association in WA, with the support of the National SESVA, will soon be able to fund beneficial activities for SES volunteers in WA by offering some rewards and additional activities, as well as creating new opportunities and funding new volunteer development projects.
By purchasing a $2 ticket, supporters receive a chance to win a $1500 gift card.
Tickets for the raffle, can be purchased by phone or by clicking the online link below:
- National SESVA call centre 1300 804 562
- Buy tickets and support the National SESVA (nationalsesvaraffle.org.au)
The Guardian Angels Club
Contributing each month enables the National SESVA to continue to support and represent the thousands of State and Territory Emergency Service Volunteers, including SES volunteers in WA.
Click on the link below to become a part of our Guardian Angels Club; it’s simple and the perfect way to make sure you don’t miss out on our Major Draws.
Become a Guardian Angel, and get more chances to win! – NSESVA (nationalsesvaraffle.org.au)
I received a call about the raffle, can I check if it’s legitimate?
Only 4Mile is authorised to fundraise on behalf of the NSESVA in Western Australia. If you have concerns about the legitimacy of a call you can verify it by calling 1300 804 562.
I would like to make a one-off donation.
You can donate to the National SESVA by calling 1300 804 562 or online by selecting “make a one-off donation” by following this link:
Donate to SESVA and Become a Member – NSESVA (nationalsesvaraffle.org.au)
You can donate directly to the Volunteer Association in WA by simply following this link Donations and Bequests – SES Volunteer’s Association of Western Australia Incorporated (ses-wa.asn.au)
What if I receive a scam call?
“If you think you may have received a scam call please let us know by calling 1300 804 562 or report a scam by following this link Report a scam | Scamwatch.”
How do I receive my tickets and pay?
Once you have been in contact with us and pledged your support you will either receive tickets by post or email. There are various options to pay for your tickets; via the website is one of them.
Cancellation and refund policy
Once your payment has been processed and banked, the ticket numbers you have already received via email or mail will be validated. Note that you will not receive another set of numbers. The NSESVA does not provide returns or refunds after the draw date of the raffle. If you would like to cancel your support or verify your numbers, please call 1300 804 562.
How does the SES Volunteers Association of Western Australia benefit from the Raffle?
Current funding provided mostly by DFES enables the SESVA WA to represent the views and interests of SES Volunteers in Western Australia. Additional funding from the raffle will provide the opportunity to development programs, provide welfare support and expanded advocacy services for hundreds of SES volunteers in WA each year.
How does the SES Volunteers Association of Western Australia intend to use the funds?
Funds will be used primarily to connect SES volunteers with people, programs and education that will help them achieve their objectives, including but not limited to the following:
- Access to training and development.
- Access to a welfare fund.
- Grants for volunteer’s services.
- Sponsorships for volunteers.
- Volunteer resources support service.
- Facilities for use by volunteers and their families.
How did this come about?
The national raffle campaign has been running since November 2016. It raises funds for the National SES Volunteers Association which in turn, uses those funds for specific projects and activities to benefit SES Volunteers in all States and Territories.
The NSESVA has no funding, so the raffle campaign was started as a source of income. The NSESVA is a relatively new Association formed in 2015.
All State and Territory Volunteer Associations are a member of the National Association.
For the terms and conditions of the raffle please refer to nationalsesvaraffle.org.au/terms-conditions-wa-tas/