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Welcome to the SES Volunteers Association of Western Australia Incorporated News Search.
Ever since 2010, the association has published an extensive range of news stories on this website.
To make better use of such a valuable resource, the News Search is being developed to help visitors find and access historical news, relating to SES volunteers.
All feedback on this project is very welcome. Just email the webmaster at
News Filter Instructions
You can use the filters below to find news stories that have been published on this website, simply by indicating the relevant options.
All published news stories are shown.
As you pick each option, the list below will refresh, showing the available stories that match all the selected options.
The numbers after the options indicate how many news stories will be listed if you pick that option.
The list is sorted in reverse chronological order (newest first).
You can also search for news stories
This works just like a Google search, with the results going all the way back to 2010, and sorted in order of relevancy.