SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

Document Library

Employers Guide Supporting Staff as Emergency Service Volunteers (Latest Edition)

This guide has been prepared to support employers develop a greater appreciation for the benefits of
supporting volunteering. It can also be used as a tool to open the conversation about an emergency
services volunteer’s role in the community and the arrangement under which they are released from
their employment to attend an incident or emergency.
Emergency services volunteer employers play a vital role in keeping Western Australians safe. Without
their advocacy, many incidents and emergencies would not receive the support and response required.
Whilst it is encouraged that emergency services volunteer employees are released during business
hours to respond to an incident or emergency when required, employers have the final say on whether
they are released.
If employers release an employee, this should be done under an established prior arrangement so
the employee knows the conditions under which they are leaving and their entitlements. This can be
a combination of paid leave, unpaid leave or flexible working arrangements. Having an agreement in
place about when an employee will be released to attend an incident or emergency can reduce stress
and confusion for both the employer and the employee and ensure continued support in the workplace
for volunteers. As such, DFES encourages establishing an agreed arrangement between the employer
and employee before there is a need for the volunteer to respond to an incident or emergency. This will
ensure that there is a clear process around deployment during work hours.

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