SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

26/02/2025 – The future of SES and community empowerment in WA – SESVA Position

A paper related to the future of SES and community empowerment in WA has been produced on behalf of the members of the SES Volunteers Association of WA (Inc).


The paper sets out the SESVA-WA’s position on behalf of the SES units and working with DFES on community empowerment and the future of SES in WA. It provides further explanation of the recommendations in the SESVA Position Paper published in May 2024 and proposes a separate command structure that was developed in consultation with WA SES units and DFES.


Questions and feedback related to the paper should be directed to the SES Volunteers Association President, Mr. Greg Cook or the Secretary, Mr. Allen Gale ESM.


The SES Volunteer’s Association is committed to its advocacy for its member units to achieve a reversal of the erosion of the capability of the SES units in WA due to the loss of skilled volunteers and restricted resources to deal with the economic, social, and environmental changes.


“Together we can; Together we will”.


With Kind Regards,


Greg Cook





18/02/2025 – WA Volunteer of the year Awards

Volunteering WA is the peak body for volunteering in Western Australia, working across community, government, corporate and education organisations to build capacity of volunteer involving organisations, and support volunteering. Each year the WA Volunteer of the Year Awards


Excellence in Volunteer Managememt

Lifetime Contribution to Volunteer

Corporate Volunteering impact Award

RAc WA Volunteer of the Year

Inclusive Volunteering Award

WA Young Volunteer of the Year

Community Volunteer Organisation of the year


28 February 2025 – Nominations Close

Late march 2025 – Finalists Announced

May 2025 – Ticket Sales Close (Unless sold out)

15 May 2025 – Awards Gala Dinner

19-25 May 2025 – National Volunteer Week

For more information about the Award categories and lodge a nomination CLICK HERE

18/02/2025 – SESVA New Merchandise coming soon

The SESVA has some new merchandise items which will be available for purchase in the near future. Unfortunately our supplier is still to provide us with costs which we will advise as soon as these are communicated to us.

Below we have provided a preview of the new items. Once costs are provided these items will be available for purchase on the SESVA merchandise page on this website –


11/02/2024 – SESVA Activity Update

December 2024 - January 2025

Attendance at the Mandurah SES Awards and Recognition function Tuesday 04 December 2024 by SESVA President Greg Cook. SESVA Executive Council and Management Committee members will visit SES units, especially the recognition events, when given the opportunity.

Attendance at the SESVA Executive Council meeting on 20 January by SESVA President Greg Cook, Vice President Alan Hawke, Vice President Leonie Briggs, Secretary Allen Gale and Treasurer Robbie Palmer. Regular eight-weekly online meeting of the Executive Council members to manage the day-to-day operations of the Association.


Visit to each of the Pilbara region SES units Thursday 23—Sunday 26 January SESVA President Greg Cook, Vice President Alan Hawke and Pilbara representative Trevor Patton. Meet and greet with SES volunteers to engage and discuss matters affecting volunteers and to learn how the Association can be of assistance and opportunities to improve the Associations services.


Attendance at the Murray SES Awards and Recognition function Friday 17 January by SESVA President Greg Cook.
An SESVA Executive Council and Management Committee members will visit SES units, especially the recognition events, when given the opportunity


Meeting with FES Commissioner on 07 January by SESVA President Greg Cook and Vice President Alan Hawke.  Positive discussion on behalf of SES member units on matters of concern to both the SESVA and DFES, raise important issues that the Commissioner may not be aware of and update one another on important initiatives.

Representation on the WAFES/AFAC Committee by SESVA President Greg Cook DFES and AFAC consultation with volunteer association representatives on the August Conference and Awards.


07/02/2025 – Walpole SES Training Exercise

On 7th December, SES Units from Bridgetown, Donnybrook, Manjimup and Nannup came early to Walpole and carried out a land and water search training exercise under the leadership of newly appointed Lower South West District Officer, Richard Bothe.

Twenty five volunteers took part along with the flood boat craft from Nannup and Walpole’s FB09. All went well notwithstanding at times thick bush and some previously burnt out areas. The on-water search utilised equipment such as Jason’s Cradle.

Sitreps were delivered with good communications to and from the Field Search control base within the town’s Pioneer Park. Teams returned for lunch at 1330 hours during which Richard delivered the de-brief.

In bush thick with blackberry Richard emphasised the need for lower leg protection, not to mention the probability of snakes. Some had lower protection and others that didn’t learned a scratchy lesson! It was a good day, with teams returning home mid afternoon.

06/02/2025 – Scam Alert




The SESVA has been alerted to unsolicited scamming phone calls, purportedly selling advertising in an “SES Training Directory”. SES Units, members of the public and businesses have been targeted. This scamming activity has been active over recent months. The callers are reported to have a North American accent, but are likely based in a South East Asian call centre. The SESVA has reported this scam to Police and government agencies. Please be alert to this scam and inform friends, colleagues and business associates. All scamming attempts should be reported to Scamwatch. More information on how to detect scams and how to report them is available on the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) website: