From the SESVA President
Once again, a warm hello to you.
This month, I will share some simple thoughts on the back of the release of the second SES legislation position paper to our Units, the Minister and Government, and DFES.
The Association understands that SES Volunteers may not be fully aware of the many behind-the-scenes hours members of the Executive and Committee have invested in creating our position statements.
The SES Volunteers of Western Australia provide a community level response that, in many cases, changes from one town to the next. These largely unknown contributions to the WA community need to be recognised in the WA Government’s Climate Adaption Strategy.
For the SES Volunteers, recognition comes through provision of facilities, equipment and vehicles that that meet our changing needs and satisfy the demands of a modern emergency service.
Whilst it is gratifying to see that our cousins in the Fire Services have been handsomely funded through election promises, let’s not forget the wider purpose.
Natural Hazards such as floods, cyclones, storms, earthquakes, and tsunamis do not happen regularly, but when they do, the very best emergency service response is immediately required for the impacted communities. Local investment in the capability of the SES is essential.
“People will talk behind your back. Don’t worry. They are behind you for a reason.”
Keep your strength with positive intent; resources to aid us must come. Kind Regards,
Greg Cook President, SES Volunteers Association of Western Australia Incorporated