SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

05/06/2024 – SESVA Newsletter June 2024

Articles in this Month's Edition

Click the Newsletter button above to read these articles

From the SESVA President

“The long warm to hot summer and autumn has broken” In the past month, SES Volunteers' value across the state has been shown through their commitment to their own and other communities. The people of Bunbury have endured two large weather events that have dis-tressed many and inconvenienced others in their daily lives.

Robbie Palmer Commened

Ian Goodenough MP, Federal Member for Moore presented a Certificate of Commenda- tion to Robbie Palmer, Mundaring SES, at the 2024 Moore Federal Volunteer Awards during Volunteer Week. The commendation recognis- es outstanding work with the SES.

Swan SES Unit 60th Part2

December 8 2012 was the official opening of the $1.2 million purpose built combined Swan Emergency Services Facility (ESF) which houses both Swan SES and the Swan Communication Bushfire Brigade. The State Government funded $860,000 for the new building, comprising $700,000 from the FESA Capital Works Program and the $161,000 from the Emergency Services Levy Capital Grants Scheme.

SESVA Elections

2024 SESVA Elections — Management Committee NOMINATIONS CLOSE —THURSDAY 11th JULY 2024 Use this link for more information and to download the nomination form: SESVA Elections 2024– SES Volunteers Association of WA (

DFES Training Forum Part 2

We don’t get a straight forward process known as Recognition of current Competency (RCC) with other SES States and Territories. This is one of our major issues right now and it was covered at the forum in some detail. As a result, there will be discussion and opportunity to improve this aspect. I can appreciate it won’t happen overnight but some quick fixes could be made after consultation and a plan of attack developed.

Bunbury SES Volunteer Award

The Bunbury State Emergency Service Unit has another great reason to kick up its heels and celebrate! At the beginning of Monday night’s training session, two Regional Officers from the Department of Fire and Emergency Services took time out to Bunbury SES Unit and present one of the unit stalwarts with some very special recognition. Ms Ros McConchie was awarded a DFES Commissioner’s Commendation for Distinction, a very rare honour indeed. Congratulations Ros!

