SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

01/05/2024 – SESVA Newsletter for May 2024

Articles in this Month's Edition

Click the Newsletter button above to read these articles

From the President

Tt is a privilege to share the busy life of many SES volunteers throughout Western Australia. The SES Volunteers Association of Western Australia draws its committee members from serving and active SES Unit members. Each of the 12 DFES regions has an elected representative to voice the region’s pride in its achievements, to enable your voice to be heard by the DFES Executive and Members of Parliament.

SESVA Committee Members

The SESVA welcomes new Committee Member Hugh Bryan and farewells long serving Steve cable ESM and Kerry Watts.

Summary of SESVA Management Committee Meeting April 2024

A summary of the issues and matters discussed at the Meeting. Read the full report


2024 DFES Conference News

Exciting news for volunteers who are keen to attend the WAFES Conference in 2024!  This year you can self nominate to be considered for a place at the event, which will be held at Crown Perth on Friday 6th September and Saturday 7th September 2024.


The SESVA now has a GiveNow link on its webpage. The link will enable the public and organisations to offer support through a safe and secure site ensuring that their donation goes to where they want it to go. organisation/public/6097


Canine Unit Farewells Ian Spreckley

Ian Spreckley brought with him many years of experience as a multi- purpose police dog handler, trainer and assessor with the English police force and UK search and Rescue Dog Association (SARDA) .

Bunbury SES Hosts Exercise

The interservice combined search exercise hosted by the Bunbury SES on April 21st was a pivotal ini- tiative aimed at fostering enhanced collaboration and operational readiness among emergency response units.

MY Unit Swan SES

From a humble beginning of storing equipment in the Midland Town Hall Clock Tower to a state of the art Emergency Services Facility, Swan SES has faithfully served the City of Swan and the Shire of Chittering across many and varied emergencies. While their prime focus is assisting with cyclones, earthquakes, floods, storms and tsunamis, they continue to respond and provide support for many other emergencies including search and bushfires. 

