SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

16/11/2013 – Opportunity to expand your Volunteering Experience

Association Training Advisory Group — State Emergency Service (ATAG-SES)

DFES are looking for SES volunteers with relevant training experience to fill vacancies as Regional Representatives for the ATAG-SES.

Its purpose is to provide a forum for the communication of training information between the Department of Fire & Emergency Services (DFES) and State Emergency Service personnel and will have the following objectives:

  • The group shall concern themselves with matters related to the training offered through the State.
  • Emergency Service Pathway, its delivery, associated systems and relationship with DFES strategic plan.
  • The group will provide formal recommendations to be considered in developing strategies to improve training for State Emergency Service personnel to meet current operational needs and requirements.
  • To improve the operational effectiveness of Volunteers through the group’s advice and recommendations for the ongoing development of DFES Professional Development Pathways.
  • To improve the operational effectiveness of continuation training for Volunteers through the group’s advice and recommendations.

As a Regional Representative, you will be:

  • Disseminating and communicating the minutes of the ATAG – SES to their subgroups and members.
  • Actively seeking input into deliberations of the ATAG – SES through their respective committees and networks.
  • Providing a report to the ATAG – SES.

This is an opportunity for SES volunteers on the coal face to raise concerns they encounter when providing the current training, along with being able to have input into the future training needs of their fellow volunteers. You will not only be representing your Unit but your region.

The ATAG meets twice a year, however, there are times when the group will reach out to its membership to seek their advice/feedback throughout the year.

To nominate provide your name, Unit, and contact details together with a brief summary of your skills and experience. This can either be SES-related or outside the service.

Nominations should be sent to Matt Folini—

For general enquiries, please reach out to either Supt Matt Folini or Robbie Palmer (SESVA representative)


