SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

03/08/2023 – SESVA Presidents Report August 2023

From the President

Welcome to the beginning of August, an indicator of how this calendar year is moving at great pace. And it’s a momentous month for long serving Northshore SES volunteer and Lynton Street stalwart, Rhonda Hemsley who is retiring after 45 years service.

Rhonda is to be celebrated at a special thank you function in Mount Hawthorn on 2nd August. Watch out for a story and photos in the next edition of the Newsletter.

There are many important elements for people in Western Australia to consider in the coming months with regard to the shaping of the future emergency management services provided to our communities.

The SES Volunteers Association has been actively gathering information and opinions from its community based members. The importance of this consultation is that at present, DFES has not released its position for the future. Of course the Department will, but I know that many communities may take it for granted that services will be provided.

The services in most communities are delivered by residents who choose to become leaders by up skilling, wearing a uniform with pride and responding to local and broader emergencies after months of training.

The greater balance is working together with the knowledge that we need to empower more people with enabling information about how to reduce the impact of hazards on our properties and the property of those around us. At present, activities are primarily focus on responding to emergency situations, but as our communities are rapidly becoming reliant of the services of others, are we setting all of us on a path- way to certain higher levels of impact?

Partnerships are by far the best way to reverse this trend and I sincerely hope that DFES and Government have been expansive in their assessments of current and future risks to us all. For our SES, I believe that we will continue with a platform of partnerships and empowerment for the best community outcomes; but this does take commitment from many people.

Thank you again and we trust that a global view on our future risks are shared to inform communities.

Greg Cook, President






Greg Cook SESVA President

