SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

03/08/2023 – Resilience in SES Volunteers Survey

Federation University are currently seeking participants aged 18 years and over to take part in a study exploring personality, coping and social connection as predictors of resilience in SES volunteers (ethics approval no. 2023-079).
The online survey is anonymous and will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. If you are interested in participating, please visit:

You are invited to participate in an anonymous research project. This information statement describes the project in plain English. Please read this statement carefully and be confident that you understand its contents before deciding whether to participate. If you would like further information about this project, please contact the Principal Researcher, Professor Gerard Kennedy, via email

This project has SESVA approval


What are the methods of data collection, storage and dissemination?
Your participation in this study will remain anonymous and you will not be personally identified in any publications arising from the study. The information that you provide will only be accessible to the identified researchers above and will be retained on secure file-servers on a computer system protected by a password. All information will be kept for 5 years before being destroyed.

The site we are using for collecting data is Qualtrics. When the survey is open and running, data will be stored within Qualtrics. After the closing date of the survey, data will be exported from Qualtrics and deleted from the Qualtrics system.

Researchers will use the group data from the surveys to examine the relationships between resilience and personality, coping and social connection in SES volunteers.

Personal information will not be collected in the survey and therefore will not be stored as data. Findings of the study will form a part of one student researchers’ Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) degree, and therefore findings will be presented in one thesis, be published in scientific journals as well as presented in conferences held nationally and internationally.

Findings arising from this project will be viewed and read by the scientific community and the general public with access to the internet.

Is there a statement regarding any survey items which may be seen as personal or private?
This survey contains demographic questions about your age, sex, location, length of service and highest level of an emergency attended as well as statements that relate to personality, coping style, social connection and resilience (eg I feel comfortable in the presence of strangers). Some people may view such questions as personal and private. You are under no obligation to answer any questions that you may consider personal and private, and you may end the survey at any time. If you stop completing the survey at any stage there will be no negative consequences for you.

Do I need to sign a consent form for this study?
Completion of the online survey implies your informed consent for this part of the study.

What will happen if I decide to withdraw my consent?
Your participation in this study is voluntary and you are under no obligation to be involved. You are free to withdraw your consent at any time during the online survey part of the study or following the completion of the online survey. Please note that your information in this study is unidentifiable. It is not possible to withdraw information/data that has already been collected as we cannot match the data to the participant. However, you are free to withdraw your consent or discontinue your participation at any time with no consequences to you.

What are the possible risks or disadvantages associated with participation?
Participating in this study may cause distress or discomfort to some people who experienced trauma directly or indirectly and/or you may become aware of a lack of coping skills and low resilience levels. Apart from these risks, the project is unlikely to pose any other risks to you. If you feel distressed while taking part in this project, we encourage you to contact your general practitioner, mental health practitioner, or contact Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636. An email and chat service is also available on the Beyond Blue website. If you have thoughts of suicide, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or the Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467. If you have any questions about this project, please contact Professor Gerard Kennedy on 03 5327 6651, during business hours, or via email at Professor Gerard Kennedy will discuss your questions with you confidentially and suggest appropriate follow-up services if necessary.




Can I review results, data, or publication arising from this research?
As a participant of this project, you have the opportunity to preview outcome results and any publications arising from this project. Please contact Professor Gerard Kennedy on should you wish to view outcome results or publications related to this study.

Can I amend previously provided data/answers to certain questions?
As your participation in this study is anonymous, collected data cannot be matched with individuals, therefore we cannot amend answers to questions and cannot withdraw data from an incomplete survey.

Whom should I contact if I have any questions?
If you have any questions, or you would like further information regarding the project titled ‘Personality, coping and social connection as predictors of resilience in SES volunteers’, please contact the Principal Researcher, Professor Gerard Kennedy on 03 5327 6651, during business hours, or via email at, Institute of Health and Wellbeing, Federation University, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia.

Should you have any concerns about the ethical conduct of this research project, please contact the Federation University Coordinator Research Ethics, Research Services, Federation University Australia, PO Box 663 Mt Helen Vic 3353, phone 03 5327 9765 or email

CRICOS Provider Number 00103D

