From the President
Hello once again,
The month of May has been very busy in a meeting with SES Units across the state of Western Australia. Each SES Unit was invited to provide the next step in consultation for the coming Combined Emergency Services Legislation. It is critically important that
SES members have their input to the government prior to the release of the discussion paper. As your elected body for SES advocacy, the management and executive committees have been applying the lessons learned through its Legislation Sub-Committee.
As an Association, we also know that taking a position in a democratic way can result in some members feeling as though they have not been heard. I urge you to be heard. I and we understand that in our leadership role that this quote is relevant to the emotion that is and will bubble to the surface:
“If you accept the call to leadership, you must be willing to be misunderstood, criticised, opposed, accused, and even rejected”
(unknown author)
Don’t let the opportunity pass by to effect great recognition and if required change to meet SES member’s needs but not forgetting that we are here on behalf of the communities we willingly serve.
For those that wish to take a higher step, observe your right to be nominated and elected to the SES Volunteers Association Management Committee. It’s a noble time to step up.
Best Wishes, Greg Cook.