SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

07/03/2023 – Major Incidents Deployments Debrief

The SESVA facilitated the SES Debrief on 23 February to enable the volunteers and SES Unit leaders to share their experiences in relation to recent deployments to the Kimberley and eastern states floods.

21 SES Units participated in the debrief which concluded after 2 hours and 10 minutes. President Greg Cook acknowledge the importance of the contributions made by participants and commented on the high standard of the input and the proposed solutions for issues that need to be addressed.

“Thank you to all the SES Volunteers for their contribution and for giving up precious time to share your observations,” Greg said.

It’s not too late to share observations to include in the report which is being prepared by the SESVA to forward to all participating Units and DFES.

Units and individuals can still send feedback to Bella at the SESVA Office

Volunteers can now share observations with DFES using the new Lessons Management Observations Portal via the Volunteer Hub.







