SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

08/02/2023 – SESVA Presidents Report February 2023

From the SESVA President

Welcome back to the SES Volunteers’ regular training season.  Many units are now back to creating safer communities by learning new, reviewing and practising and teaching many aspects of the knowledge and skills required to maintain our effectiveness.

The SES Community effectiveness has been no better displayed than the many SES Volunteers that have deployed to South Australia, NSW, Queensland and Victoria. This of course has been added to the time now dedicated to the Western Australian Kimberley flooding and other emergencies in our home state.

As SES Volunteers in local communities, we should all be immensely proud of what a band of locally trained community members can achieve. It would be great to see the future Combined Emergency Services Legislation allow that capability and local ownership to build effectively.

Your SES Volunteers Association has been very busy working in the background drafting options to release for comment. We all look forward to that discussion and I do thank you in advance.

I do believe that as volunteers, we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to shape the Prevention, Preparation, Response and Recovery activities in our home communities. No one knows them better than those that live there.
Thank you and take care as we move in earnest to another busy volunteering year.

Expect change, expect improvements and please, don’t settle for less than the best you deserve just because it’s a bit hard.

Stay safe, Greg Cook

Greg Cook SESVA President
SES Volunteers Association Incorporated

