SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

23/08/2022 – SESVA Newsletter for August 2022

Articles in this Month's Edition

Click the Newsletter button above to read these articles in full

From the President

Welcome to the August edition of the SES Volunteers Association Newsletter. At the end of July and beginning of August SES unit volunteers have been busy meeting the needs of our communities during wide spread Storms. Thank you for the sleepless days and nights; your work never goes unappreciated.


9am Sunday 11th September 2022
Studio 2, Crown Perth
Great Eastern Hwy, Burswood
Your delegate nomination form
is on the back page of this Newsletter


We’re excited to confirm that Western Australia will host the National Disaster Rescue Challenge (NDRC)
over the weekend of 22 and 23 October 2022

Local Managers Workshop – preparing for the Legislation Review

A lot of positive feedback has ben received by Local Managers and leaders from SES units who attended the Workshop at Cottesloe on 9th July.
In opening the Workshop, Greg highlighted the importance of taking this opportunity for consultation and discussion to develop a collaborative position before the government Green Paper is developed in relation to the consolidation of the three Emergency Services Acts.

Regional Exercises

In 2022 the SESVA re-initiated an SES Regional Exercise program, starting with two events; one in the north and one in the south of the state.  Regional Exercises have been a proud tradition of the WA State Emergency Service. These exercises offered SES Volunteers the opportunity to develop skills, self-direction and discovering new tricks and tools to assist them to be better prepared to defend and assist their local communities in their role as emergency responders.

Health and Safety Codes

23 new work, health and safety codes of practice have been approved by the Minister for Industrial Relations . They came into effect on Friday 15 July 2022. These codes, developed through consultation with unions and employer organisations, will help you understand what you need to do to comply with specific regulations and provide a healthy and safe workplace. Codes of practice do not replace the law.

SESVA Winters Essentials 

New items available see full details


Main Roads WA have updated the Traffic management for works on roads code of practice (May 2022). This will have implications for all local governments so you should make sure that you’re aware of the changes and what it means for your local government.

