SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

20/07/2022 – SESVA Newsletter submit an article

Submit an article

It’s great to see Units using electronic forms of external communication, such as websites and Facebook, to spread the good work that the SES does.

We at the SESVA editorial team are always looking for new content, so if you turn that quick Facebook post into a article we can put it in our newsletter.

The SESVA Newsletter does not just go to other SES units, but is distributed to a wide variety of people, government (Local, State and Federal) and other volunteer organisations.

Why? Because we are proud of what our SES Volunteers do and believe that the very excellent job you do, along with the difficulties we face, the community we serve has a right to be informed; and it’s a good way for other Unit’s to find out what each other have done or will be doing.

Some of the ideas we are looking for:
− Training – details of an exercise you want to promote or want help with
− Training – an article on a exercise that your Unit might have done.
− Operational event – article on the good, even the not so good; it could be based on WWW (what went well)
− Promotional or Recruitment advertisement
− Monthly update on what your Unit or Region has been up to.

Please note the Editor has discretion over the content and the space available to us for the SESVA Newsletter.

To submit an article simply email it along with your contact details to: 




SES Volunteers Association of Western Australia Incorporated

