SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

07/05/2022 – WOW Day 2022


Greg Cook SESVA President is pleased to announce that consistent with annual tradition, it has been arranged for buildings across the State to be lit up in orange, this year on WOW Day (18 of May) with an added focus on regional Western Australia has significantly grown the number of buildings compared to last year.

Across the Perth CBD, the following landmarks will display orange lighting on WOW Day:

  • The Perth Bell Tower
  • Brookfield Place
  • Matagarup Bridge
  • Perth Concert Hall
  • QV1
  • State Administrative Tribunal Building
  • Fraser Avenue at Kings Park

In regional WA, the following landmarks will be lit up:

  • Kalgoorlie-Boulder (both town halls)
  • Karratha Arts Centre
  • City of Greater Geraldton Administration Building
  • City of Busselton Administration Building
  • Brookman Street in Manjimup
  • Northam Bridge
  • Shire of Broome Administration Building
  • City of Mandurah Administration Building

The Minister for Emergency Services will make a media statement on Tuesday May 17 to encourage the community to don orange clothing the following day. Social media posts have been prepared for both the Minister and the Department of Fire and Emergency Services to be published on WOW Day.

In terms of public engagement and awareness, SES volunteers have been contacted to find inspiring stories and share them with the community via the media. Stories lined up across newspapers, radio and television outlets in both Perth and regional Western Australia.

 A few highlights include a feature story on Manjimup’s Kevin Wrightson, who has undertaken 43 years of service, an interview with the Carnarvon SES for their contribution to the Cleo Smith search, and a feature on 6PR with Steve Mills about Rob Crawford, who is still volunteering today after his father founded Kalgoorlie SES.

Greg Cook said” I encourage SES Units across the State to organise their own activities on WOW Day to celebrate the great work SES done by SES Volunteers assisting the Community”.




