SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

24/02/2022 – SESVA Presidents Report 2022

From the President – Greg Cook

The pleasure of volunteering within the State Emergency Service is knowing that you were recruited by a community based group of likeminded people. These simple actions make a major contribution to building local capability and the capacity to meet NEEDS.

The training is diverse, so in short there is something for many people to learn and get your teeth into. The notion that this service is a one trick emergency response group is far from the truth. A big yes is that we do respond to emergencies in many and various ways.

This does start with knowing what and when we do what we do, but also why we do what we do. By participating in the SES, you get to know the how it is done, and understand that volunteer careers encourage people and skill diversity.

I say this with a broad smile, the SES is not a one trick pony, and we have and need a stable to work with.  Diversity in response means there are many problems to resolve when tasked for a “Request for Assistance” from the public. Experienced SES volunteers provide and teach people how to resolve the issues that are regularly handed to us. We can’t do this without a great wider team. It’s not just those in the field, there are support functions to keep us ready and active.

Minister Hon Stephen Dawson MLC is now managing the Emergency Services Portfolio on behalf of government.  It was a pleasure to meet with him and his advisors recently to discuss how we can mutually support building community resilience. Of course those discussions did centre on the capability of the SES. I am pleased to say that Minister Dawson is carrying on the great work of Minister Whitby. Simply put, they are in touch and not out of reach with our activities. Thank you and we all look forward to building successful partnerships.

Many things to come from the Association over the next few months, stay in touch!

