SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

07/02/2022 – Support for Volunteers impacted by Bushfires

Hardship Scheme support for Volunteers Impacted by Bushfires

The WA Emergency Service Volunteer Hardship Scheme exists to to provide emergency services volunteers with the opportunity to seek financial assistance during times of hardship.  The scheme is managed by a governing committee consisting of representatives from each of the relevant volunteer associations which together constitute the WA Emergency Services Volunteers Hardship Assistance Scheme (Incorporated).

The Hardship Assistance Fund provides direct relief from hardship to volunteers and their dependants.  It is designed to help cover basic living costs such as rent, food and utilities. Financial assistance is not provided for expenses arising as a result of living beyond one’s means, or to clear gambling incurred debt, or to fund lifestyle choices.

Current Situation

The WAESVHAS Committee is offering an immediate grants to those volunteers who have had their principal place of residence severely impacted by a bushfire

This grant of $1500 be made to each household of a volunteer which has been impacted, through EFT to their nominated bank account.  There shall be only one grant per household”

Full details on how to apply for the grants can be found on the The WA Emergency Service Volunteer Hardship Scheme website  –

