Articles in this Month's Edition
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From the President
2022 – What a starting point to this New Year! Our SES Volunteer Association Newsletters always have a degree of difficulty in capturing timely information.
Much of what we write can appear at times to be yesterday’s news but my question to everyone is “how new is the news to those that have not heard it?”
Volunteer Hardship Scheme
The WA Emergency Service Volunteer Hardship Scheme exists to to provide emergency services volunteers with the opportunity to seek financial assistance during times of hardship. The scheme is managed by a governing committee
consisting of representatives from each of the relevant volunteer associations which together constitute the WA Emergency Services Volunteers Hardship Assistance Scheme (Incorporated).
Grant Funding
We are very pleased to be able to report we have been able to assist Derby SES Unit with obtaining an offer of a 2021 Volunteer Grant from the Australian Government Community Grants Hub. Under the terms of the Grant Derby SES Unit has
until December 2022 to spend the funds on a wide variety of items.
Historical Sub-Committee Expressions of interest
The SESVA has formed an Historical Subcommittee and are calling for expressions of interest from people interested in being on the subcommittee.
Why should we be concerned with our history?
Merredin Thanks Business for Support
We all agree that volunteering has many rewards, and volunteering with the State Emergency Service has even greater rewards, as we assist in times of emergency and in very stressful situations. Some SES volunteers go far beyond what is asked
of them, and do receive recognition for their efforts, both within their own units and by DFES.
SES Unit Visits
As you may be aware, the President and Secretary try to visit as many SES Units, and meet as many SES Volunteers as they can each year. In the coming couple of months (COVID19 permitting), they intend to visit Units in the south of
the state.
They are hopeful meeting dates and times can be arranged so they can meet as many SES Volunteers as possible.
Volunteer of Year Awards
In December 2021 Centacare Family Services of Geraldton held their annual Volunteer of the Year Awards.
The SESVA was invited to attend, and we asked the Manager of Geraldton SES, Ross Jones, and the Manager of Kalbarri SES, Steve Cable, to attend with us.
Your Regional Committee Members
The SESVA has a Representative for each of the 12 Regions of WA. These Representatives work hard to represent the views of your Unit, as conveyed to them by your Unit Management, and to ensure your Unit Management receives relevant information on matters affecting your Unit and Volunteers.