SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

03/12/2021 – Important announcement from the SES Mounted Section

3rd December 2021
Dear Fellow SES Volunteers
Re: Mounted Section

The SES Mounted Section has serviced the community of WA by volunteering themselves and their horses since 1987.  Over these years the Unit has gone through many changes, so too has the way searches are conducted not only by Police but by the SES as a supporting agency.

In addition, missing person behaviour and significant changes in technology has presented changes to the way units are used and searches are conducted.

With these considerations top of mind, the Mounted Section decided several months ago, as a team, to cease operations and recommended to DFES that the Unit close down.

This recommendation was accepted by the DFES Commissioner last month and as such the SES Mounted Section will close from the 31st March 2022.  Make no mistake, this decision was not easy, nor taken lightly by any means. There were many sleepless nights and long days spent considering the community and ourselves; including the hard work done by former and current members to establish the competent and tight knit team we are to this day. There were many meetings among ourselves, DFES and WAPOL to ensure our decision was fully informed with all points considered.

As the Mounted Section winds down, our primary focus will be the welfare of members, like many volunteer groups, the Mounted Section is a huge part of our lives. Nearly 50% of our members have completed over 10 years of service and between them have contributed nearly 200 years of service to DFES.

We would like to acknowledge the support we’ve received over this time from our families, DFES staff, the SES Volunteers Association, our fellow SES comrades and the general public.

We trust this support will continue over the next few months as we wrap up the SES Mounted Section.

Natalie Beard
Local Manager SES Mounted Section

