SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

30/09/2021 – SESVA Presidents Report October 2021

SESVA presidents Report October 2021

Hello once again,
This past month has been eventful in many different areas for SES Volunteers. Operationally we continue to serve our communities in storm, rescue and search operations. How proud we are of all of you. 

The DFES Commissioner has released an Infection Control Policy to help assisting all of us to stay healthy in what has been a first for us all in the journey of the worldwide pandemic being COVID 19.

I ask you to please protect yourselves and your loved ones by getting vaccinated.  I don’t believe that anyone really goes out to become infected but as emergency service workers, we all attend many unknown people and places in response to community needs. Taking a chance is a risk that could affect those we share our lives with.

The WAFES conference has been and gone for 2021. It was great to catch-up with many of you during the weekend and then at your SES Association AGM on the Sunday morning.  Speaking to many attendees, we had varying feedback and thoughts on the WAFES Conference. Please feed  this back to us so we can advocate for improvement.

Your Association AGM was held at 10:00 AM on the Sunday morning at Burswood. Thank you for your support and enabling an overwhelming vote for me to remain as your President. Thank you so much and it is humbling. I do accept the responsibility with broader experience and greater resolve that as an advocate, together we can achieve so much as we have challengers within the SES in our future.

The elephant in the room will be the new Emergency Services Legislation.  Your Association is working hard behind the scenes and will be communicating with all units in the not to distant future. This is to ensure that you are all given the ability to be heard and consulted. This consultation is about what you want rather than telling what you are getting. This is of critical importance that we influence the legislation before the draft for wider consultation is delivered to the wider community. 

Your Association looks forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance.  Once again, take care out there. Whether in training or operation, in Orange we are risking life and limb in serving to our communities.

Thank you.

Greg Cook President SESVA
SES Volunteers Association of Western Australia Incorporated

