SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

06/08/2021 – SES Volunteers visiting other Units

SES Volunteers visiting other Units

The SESVA has been asked about the DFES policy if an SES Volunteer visits another Unit and assists that Unit with a task.

We approached DFES for clarification and have been advised:

“After reviewing the SES Admin guide and other related SAPs / SOPs there does not appear to be anything specific that states DO approval is required in this particular circumstance.

However, DO approval would be required if;

The member intends on using / removing a SES appliance or SES allocated equipment that is normally assigned to their own unit; and impacting or maintaining capability.  The member intends on making a travel claim. Without prior approval this may be declined.  There has been some other issue or situation where a member may or has been directed by the LM or DO not to operate at another unit (for whatever reason).

The above are examples only and there may be other implications related to response, reporting or planning where contacting a DO would be beneficial.  While SES unit leaders are responsible for the management of their unit, SES volunteers still have responsibilities to DFES which includes operating per certain standards and directives.

That said, it appears the greater discussions and approvals need to be between the travelling member and the unit / LM they wish to offer their services to. As with any service should this situation arise – the receiving BGU (unless they know the volunteer) would probably want to verify the person, their skills or qualification, and consult with their team, which could include making enquiries with a DO before accepting an offer of assistance.

In any case, as a means of transparency and protection for all unit members, both parties should undertake some due diligence before offering, and/or accepting assistance. “

It would appear therefore, that subject to the statements above, the only approval an SES Volunteer requires is from the Local Manger Manager of the Unit they are visiting.

