SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

02/08/2021 – NDRC 2021 postponed

National Disaster Rescue Challenge

The SESVA  has  been advised the National Disaster Rescue Challenge has been postponed for 12 months.

DFES advise they have released a circular which states:

“Following a meeting with the Australian Council of State Emergency Service (ACSES) members, and in the interest of the health and welfare of participating volunteers, ACSES members have unanimously agreed to postpone the National Disaster Rescue Challenge (NDRC) for 12 months.

Due to the current uncertainty around the COVID19  lockdowns and travel restrictions, the NDRC planned for October 2021 will be rescheduled to October 2022. DFES will remain the host for the NDRC, allowing the planning and preparedness activities already in place to be utilised for the 2022 NDRC.”

NDRC Team WA 2017

