SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

28/07/2021 – SESVA Newsletter for August 2021

Articles in this Month's Edition

Click the Newsletter button above to read these articles in full. There is many more articles, letters and import information for SES Volunteers in WA in the newsletter.

From the President

A month closer to warmer weather, July has past, and I think most of us would agree, it’s been wet and operationally busy again (Respect to the North of the State and envy because you have been relatively warm).
Across our large state, the Department and our communities are grateful for the SES Volunteers that choose to be part of the solution and are indeed delivering services that our communities have become reliant on.  

Chief Officer for SES

The SESVA have spoken with the Minister for Emergency Services, the Commissioner and the Shadow Minister for Emergency Services regarding a Chief Officer and supporting structure for the SES.  These discussions about a Chief Officer and supporting structure have been undertaken in a professional manner and have assisted in building understanding relationships with all parties involved.

Regional Exercises

The SESVA has approached the Commissioner about conducting an exercise in each regional each year.  The Commissioner is very supportive of the idea and has offered some assistance to enable this to happen.

Building Networks

The SESVA have been communicating with the Country Women’s Association, Community Resource Centres and the WA Local Government
Association as well as Local Government Councillors and CEO’s to raise awareness of the SES in their areas, and to bolster general awareness that the SES Units are Community Based and very much a part of local communities.

SESVA Annual General Meeting

The SESVA Annual General Meeting will be held on the Sunday after the WAFES Conference in September 2021.  Keep an eye out for the official notification which will be sent to all Units shortly, and also ensure your Unit votes in the election which will commence in a week or so’s time.  Details will be provided to Units shortly.

Working at Heights

As most SES Volunteers are aware, or should be, there have been major changes in the way we work at heights.  And more changes will be coming.
DFES have formed a PAT to review and investigate the effects of the coming legislation and how all services within DFES will work at heights.
The SESVA as also formed a subcommittee to work with SES Volunteers, and to keep them informed about this matter.

Jack’s Award

Jack Van Voorst is 16.  He is currently a member of the Warradagee Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade, a junior member of the Moora State Emergency Service and student councillor at Central Midlands Senior High School.  On the night of Monday 28th of June, Jack was being driven home to Warradagee. Travelling along the Brand Hwy near Badgingara, Jack saw an elderly man beside the road. Jack’s mum, Mandy, was eager to get home as it was late. He insisted his mum turn around to check on the man. 

SESVA Bus Available

The SESVA has a 10 seater Toyota Coaster bus available for use by and location at an SES Unit in WA.  There are strict requirements for the use of the bus, and if your Unit would like the bus located at their premises for their use, please contact the Secretary for the criteria for the Expression of Interest document which needs to be completed.

