On behalf of the AFAC Volunteer Management Technical Group (VMTG), I would like to invite you to participate in a scoping consultation that is gauging the level of stakeholder support for developing a National Volunteer Sustainability Blueprint for the emergency management sector. More information is available in the attached Information Statement.
An important principle underpinning the consultation is inclusion of a strong volunteer voice.
The consultation is targeted to stakeholder representative groups at national and state/territory levels. As such, it is not likely to be relevant for grassroots volunteers, but it will be of interest to association leadership teams in each state and territory.
The primary output will be a decision about appropriate next steps towards developing a National Volunteer Sustainability Blueprint that best reflects stakeholder preferences.
To participate, stakeholders will first need to read the attached Discussion Paper and then provide their feedback via one of the following options:
- Online survey – Complete the online submission survey available at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/volsustblueprint. It includes a quick (5 min) option and a full (10-25 min) option.
- Printed submission form – Print the attached submission form to collect handwritten feedback in meetings. You can scan and return it to me by email, or return a hardcopy by post.
- Verbal feedback – Email me to arrange a time for me to collect feedback by phone or via videoconference, e.g., at a team meeting.
The consultation period will close promptly on Tuesday, 27th July.
Blythe McLennan
Research Fellow
Centre for Urban Research
School of Global, Urban and Social Studies
RMIT University
GPO Box 2476
Melbourne, VIC 3001, Australia
m: 0406-059-510