SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

02/07/2021 – Kangaroo Island SES

Bev Overton cut the ribbon an the official unofficial opening of the mezzanine level at the kangaroo Island State Emergency Service Unit Bev persistently pushed forward getting it signed of for storage use thus clearing a lot of floor space that can now be used for training as well as making the unit much tidier the crew wasted no time moving the stores lockers upstairs so Bev can work her magic organising everything.
The level was affectionately named “Overtones landing” by the Unit Members.
The new rescue aid that was purchased with donations from Western Australia SES Volunteers Association was officially named “Dean in honour of Dean Overton founding member of kangaroo island SES unit 1980
Kangaroo Island SES Volunteers with donated training aide
Thank you SESVA (WA)
Ready to cut the ribbon

