A number of Management Committee terms of appointment end at the 2021 Annual General Meeting. Nominations for these vacancies, as listed below, are now called for. All Units are invited to nominate a member for election as President, Vice President or a Regional Representative (where a vacancy will exist as per the attached list).
Units that wish to nominate a member of their Unit for a vacancy on the SESVA Management Committee must ensure the attached nomination form is completed and returned to the Secretary by the closing date ( 30 th June 2021 ). Please include a brief statement about the nominee’s relevant SES background that can be forwarded to Units should voting be required.
See attached table detailing the Regions where vacancies exist and the Units that fall within those regions. All Units will be eligible to vote for the President and Vice President, but only Units within the relevant region will be eligible to vote for the Regional Representative positions.
Voting will be undertaken by email wherever possible, therefore please ensure your Unit completes the Unit Contact Details on the attached form and returns it by mail, or email.
The election results will be announced at the Annual General Meeting. Should no nominations be received for a vacant position on the Management Committee, the
Committee may co-opt a person to the relevant position. Regions which do not have a representative on the Committee, do not always hear in a timely matter of items which affect them. This has caused issues for some regions in the past, and to ensure your region is kept fully informed, please ensure a delegate is nominated if your region is one with a vacancy.
If you have any questions about the Association and what being a member of the Management Committee entails, please do not hesitate to contact me or the President.
Lin Booth
SES Volunteers Association of WA (inc.)
Mob: 0428 612 480