SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

26/05/2021 – SESVA Newsletter June 2021

Articles in this Month's Edition

Click the Newsletter button above to read these articles in full

From the President

Hello to all SES Volunteers, I also welcome our elected members of State, Local Government, and community based organsiations. Again, it’s a pleasure to write to everyone on the back of an extremely busy and active time for many of you.  It would be remiss of me not to again say thank you for the service you have provided to our
communities in Western Australia. Your SES leadership in serving communities is welcomed with enthusiasm and pride.  The pride that is shared by many high profile government and elected community representatives, not only in WA and is an acknowledgement of many jobs well done. I know we will hear more about this
in the future.

Civil Defence and the SES

As you may be aware, the SES takes its formation roots from the Civil Defence Organisation created during World War II.  It is interesting to see how little has changed over the years natural disasters still create major catastrophes, and it is Volunteers who respond in the largest numbers.  Below is excerpt for the Australian Civil Defence Handbook General Information. Directorate of Civil Defence1972.

SESVA Elections

This is the time of the year when the SESVA election process begins.  Every Unit Management Team has been sent the documents for this years elections.  Please nominate if your region has a Regional Representative vacancy, or for the Executive
positions.   The documentation show the nomination process,  and if more than one person nominates for a  position an election is held.  Keep your region informed ensure it has a representative on the SESVA Management Committee.

Country Unit Visits

Your President is working in his “Day Job” in the southern part of the state over the next month or so.  During this time he is endeavouring to meet every SES Local Manager in the southern regions for an informal chat.  Also, at this time the Secretary is in the northern part of the state, and he is endeavouring to meet all Local Managers in that part of the state.  This is the first time the SESVA has been able top endeavour to meet all country Local Managers on a one on one basis in a year something we hope to continue in future years

