SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

06/05/2021 – Mental Health during Cyclone Seroja

Mental Health during cyclone Seroja

Well a short report on Mental Health during our deployment to Kalbarri by Robert Palmer, Mundaring Unit (and SESVA Treasurer).  My team was part of the 1st SES Metro task force after cyclone Seroja hit  Kalbarri. 

We went in knowing the townspeople would be going through a lot of adjustments both physical and mental, and with this in mind we mentally prepared ourselves to show, empathy and he willingness to do what we must, while keeping a professional distance.

What occurred over the coming days was that we were made to feel as if we were part of the town.  It started on the first day where telecommunications were down and as part of our orders we were to be the modern day pony express and inform as many people about the community meetings and services available, while we were completing storm damage tasks.

We were always welcomed by residents, offered cups of tea, a sandwich and many many hugs. Both my team and other SES Teams were seen stopping and talking to residents, wether it was passing on information or having a chat, while going from job to job.   This seemed to raise the spirits of the residents and reinforced to us why we were there. It was about the people, not about buildings. That professional distance thing was disappearing fast.

Mid week through our deployment the Army turned up to assist in operations, and what was great to see was that they had their Chaplain onsite, wearing the same camo, chatting and talking to the troops.  Now that’s dedication to looking after the mental health of the front line.

What seems to have the biggest impact on my team is being told the people of the town appreciated that we did stop and talk, and gave direction on where to find assistance, or just the fact the vehicle windows were down and a friendly wave was given.

SES Volunteers in action during the operation
SES Volunteer repairing roof damage

