SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

12/04/2021 – Cyclone Seroja SES Operation

TC SEROJA DEPLOYMENT – SES Volunteers  from across the metropolitan are this morning heading to the north to assist following the impact of  Cyclone Seroja.

SES Volunteers, Vehicles and equipment  from the following Metropolitan Units have been sent:

  • Serpentine Jarrahdale SES 
  • Swan SES
  • Gosnell’s SES
  • Kalamunda SES
  • Armadale SES
  • Belmont SES 
  • Mundaring SES
  • Bayswater SES
  • Stirling SES
  • Northshore SES
  • Wanneroo Joondalup SES

Sunday elements from the Communication Support Unit and SWORD were redeployed.

Kalbarri and Northampton bore the brunt of ex-Tropical Cyclone Seroja last night as it slammed into WA’s mid-west coast, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

Homes have been destroyed and 26,000 residents have been left without power after the cyclone made landfall as a category three storm about 8pm, bringing wind gusts of up to 170 kilometres per hour.

The fast-moving storm tore roofs off houses damaged numerous buildings and infrastructure.

A major SES operation is in full swing and the SESVA we provide further information when known.

SES Volunteers recieving briefing before departure
SES Vehicles packed and ready to depart

