Articles in this Month's Edition
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From the President
Hello again to all our readers of the WA SES Volunteers Association Newsletter.
The purpose of the newsletter is to maintain a flow of the more important discussions that may be happening across Western Australia that concern
SES Volunteers.
Australia Day Awards
More good news of the recognition provided to SES Volunteers at Australia Day Awards
Ceremonies this year.
Tex McPherson: Has been awarded the City of Swan Senior Citizen of the Year
Mark Briggs: Finalist in Citizen of The Year see story later in newsletter.
SESVA Calendars
The annual calendar produced by the SESVA is no more. Due to lack of response by advertisers, and advice from many SES Volunteers they don’t use the calendars, calendar production has been discontinued.
The 2020 calendar was the last one to be produced.
Question to the Minister
In last months newsletter we reported on the Kalbarri Units Question to the Minister.
At the time of writing this newsletter, we have been advised that Kalbarri Unit are very disappointed they still have not received an answer to their question. In fact they have received no comment whatsoever
Incident DeBriefs
The SESVA has conducted a debrief with Local Managers of Units involved in the Gingin/Dandaragan fire and will be conducting, on Saturday 27th February, a debrief with Local Managers of Units involved in the Wooroloo fire. The results of these debriefs will then be advised to the Commissioner, and published in next months
SES Number Plates
Expression of interest SES Number plates Over the last few years we have had several requests for SES Number plates. As the current series has been exhausted, we are now asking if you would like us to start a new series.
Legal SES Vehicle Weights
From conversations we have had with several SES Volunteers there appears to be some confusion regarding the legal weights which can be carried in the troop carriers. We have discussed the matter with DFES to obtain clarification of the relationship between the compliance plate and the legal axle weight requirements.
They have advised:
“The vehicles may be plated to carry up to 11 people (based on 68kg per person), but the GVM and axle limits still apply – more load less people possible.
Thank You Letter
A letter from Senator Linda Reynolds CSC thanking SES Volunteers for their efforts in the recent fires, Gascoyne and Kalgoorlie flooding incidents. It is interesting that SES Volunteers were responding to diverse major incidents across a large portion of WA all
at the same time. It certainly reinforces the many skills of SES Volunteers.