Albany’s State Emergency Service new HQ
A new State Emergency Service facility will be built in Albany. Emergency Services Minister Fran Logan has announced up to $3 million for a new SES building on Mercer Road. It will be rated a Level 3 Incident Control Centre, suitable for coordinating large-scale emergencies, and should be open within 18 months.
SES WA Commissioner Darren Klemm says it’ll be a big boost to local crews.
“This new facility will put them in a fantastic place in terms of the fit for purpose nature of the facility and it will only enhance their ability to provide their service to the community, and it should also assist them with attracting more members,” he says.
The new Albany SES facility will include a big response building, separate administration building, indoor and outdoor training areas and a six-vehicle bay garage that can house the region’s Incident Control Vehicle.
The Albany SES Unit has 55 active volunteers and 10 vehicles operating out of its current station, which is no longer fit-for-purpose. The new facility will provide volunteers with modern and comfortable amenities as well capacity for the unit to increase membership and cater for the growing needs of the region.
The new facility is scheduled to be completed by July 2022.