SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

26/08/2020 – SESVA Newsletter for September 2020

Articles in this Month's Edition

Click the Newsletter button above to read these articles

From the President

Hi to everyone at this time while we are experiencing the turn in our seasons.  Spring and summer role on please  Sorry to the winter lovers. 


We have had many requests from SES Volunteers over the years regarding the relationship between the SES Units, SES Volunteers and DFES. 

Read the opinion by Dr Michael Eburn.

Meet Your Regional Representative

Region: North Coastal
Darren Wyatt
0426 533 573


The Annual General Meeting of the SES Volunteers Association of WA (Inc) will be held at 0930 hrs (9.30am) on Sunday 6th September 2020.
Due to COVID19 restrictions and its effects, the  meeting will be conducted mainly via Zoom.

Historical Photos

Don’t forget the SESVA are looking for photos, video’s, slides and/or film from the Dawn of Time to create a visual history of our great organisation.

Copies can be sent to us in a digital format just ensure the scan is high resolution (at least 300dpi).  Just send them to Bella at the office.

Lifting Awareness  of Your SES Unit

The SESVA is looking for stories together with good high resolution images of SES units attending incidents, giving demonstrations/talks at local schools, holding community events or in fact doing anything which promotes your Unit and the SES. 


Don’t forget the SESVA has a range of items that can with recruitment campaigns and promotion of your Unit.  Just contact Bella at the SESVA office.

Training Matters

The SESVA is revamping the website, with a release date very soon.
One of the good things to come out of COVID 19 were the expressions of thanks we received for distributing training ideas to SES Units during the early critical days of COVID19.
This result has lead us to include a page in our new website with ideas Unit Training Managers can use to plan weekly continuation training.

