SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

31/07/2020 – SESVA Newsletter for August 2020

Articles in this Month's Edition

Click the Open Newsletter button above to read these articles

Unit Visits

Recently the WA Minister for Emergency Services stated that any WA Elected State Politician thatwished to visit a DFES facility to see volunteers needed written permission from his office.

Community Engagement

The SESVA raised the question of what is happening in the space of Community Engagement for the SES.

Working on Roofs

The current SOP for working on roofs requires a written risk assessment be completed for each task, and to clearly detail the reasons for not using an RSS on a roof task.

Merredin Building

The Merredin State Emergency Service (SES) Unit has just received a major boost to their operating facilities with the completion of a new 3­bay shed.

WebEOC App

There is available an “off the shelf” APP for WebEOC.

Working on Roofs

The latest information we have on the new GRU Rescue Vehicle. This information covers both the North and the South of Western Australia.

Leadership and Using Emotional Intelligence

Why are our best leaders blessed with good emotional Intelligence?

Wet Weather Jacket

We approached DFES regarding having “SES” placed on the back of the inner liner of the wet weather jacket, as it was on the previous jacket we were issued.

Roof Safety Review

We have been hearing rumours DFES are reviewing the Roof Safety System used by SES Volunteers.

Meet Your Regional Representative

Sarge Bottacin representing Midlands-Goldfields.

Volunteer Management Support Officers

We have had a few requests to outline the role of VMSO’s at each regional office.

Merredin Training

Finally, we are now on our way back to normality, with the easing of COVID 19 Restrictions and with a sense of rejuvenated energy

Wellness Chaplain

The service that a Chaplain provides to people has changed quite significantly from what it used to be.

Take 5 Form

We have contacted DFES regarding the new “Take 5” form and asked the reason for the enlarged form.

Cost of Natural Disasters

Australia’s Cruel summer – despite this being fresh in our memory, don’t lose sight of the fact that the Natural Disasters the SES responds to are still greatly larger and affect so many people.

Covid 19

WA is currently in a very good state but experts tell us that this won’t last.


Follow us to get all the current information affecting SES Volunteers.

Mount Barker Supporting Local Community

The Mount Barker SES strengthen ties with the community by donating over 100 blankets to two Albany charities this winter.

Fuel Card

Emergency Services Volunteer fuel card to be automatically issued.


We are renovating our website and would like to include more current photo’s of Unit activities.


Don’t forget the SESVA has a range of items that can help with recruitment campaigns and promotion of your Unit.

How to Keep Informed

Don’t forget we have a website which keeps you informed of what is happening across the state in SES land.

