SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

02/03/2018 – Kalbarri SES News March 2018

Kalbarri SES March 2018 report:

February 2018 saw Kalbarri SES volunteers busy with training and several jobs.

Operations attended in February 2018:

Kalbarri National Park:

On Saturday February 10th Kalbarri SES were hosting and presenting Urban Search and Rescue training at the Kalbarri Unit when a call was received that a tourist was in difficulty at Natures Window in Kalbarri National Park. Six volunteers from Kalbarri Unit immediately responded and attended at Natures Window car park where it was established that a 45 year old male from Poland had become effected by heat while completing the walk trail. Temperatures at the location were estimated to be in the high 40’s. The man’s friends had managed to walk him to the carpark and SES volunteers applied first aid, placing him in shade, providing him with oxygen and cooling him down with wet cloths until St John Ambulance volunteers attended to take over.

A further job at The Loop was received on February 22nd with very similar circumstances. On this occasion 5 Kalbarri SES volunteers attended and due to several local SES volunteers being out of town and unavailable 2 members of the Kalbarri Fire and Rescue Service attended to assist. Fortunately the casualty had made it to the car park and St John Ambulance were able to provide first aid. Many thanks to our fire brigade friends for assistance with this one!

Land Search at Geraldton:

On February 21st, Kalbarri SES volunteers responded to assist with a search for a missing man suffering dementia in Geraldton. In this case the missing person was located before they arrived at the scene and they were stood down and returned to base.


Urban Search and Rescue Course:

On February 9, 10 & 11, Kalbarri SES hosted and facilitated an Urban Search and Rescue Course with volunteers from Kalbarri, Carnarvon, Geraldton and Morawa attending. The three days training included theory and practical sessions presented by instructors from the Kalbarri Unit on search and rescue from collapsed buildings in situations such as earthquakes, bombings and natural disasters.

Fortnightly Training:

Kalbarri SES holds training at unit headquarters every 2nd Monday from 1845hrs to 2100hrs. The training is interactive with volunteers responding to various scenarios and developing and practising various responses. All training is accredited and provided at no financial cost to volunteers.

Some Pictures taken during recent activities:

