SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

06/12/2017 – Kalbarri SES News December 2017

Kalbarri SES December 2017 report:

November was another busy month for Kalbarri SES volunteers with several operational mobilisations as well as training events to ensure readiness for any eventualities.

Operations attended in November 2017:

Casualty evacuation at Natures Window.

On November 2nd Kalbarri SES was mobilised to assist Saint John Ambulance and Parks and Wildlife Service with evacuation of a collapsed casualty from a walk trail at Natures Window in Kalbarri National Park. 6 Volunteers responded and utilised casualty packaging skills and the rescue mule (one wheeled stretcher carrier) to successfully transfer the casualty to medical assistance. This operation was carried out in extremely hot conditions. This type of rescue in the National Park has become commonplace in the past 12 months and is likely to become more so with increasing numbers of tourists visiting the new features planned for the park. This is a timely reminder for all people planning to visit the National Park or other bush areas to ensure that they have suitable clothing, water, communications and are physically fit enough to complete their planned adventure.

Bushfire support:

With several recent bushfires burning north of Kalbarri, SES volunteers were called upon to support Parks and Wildlife and Fire and Rescue Service firefighters. Support included conveying aircraft fuel to the airstrip and manning road blocks to prevent tourists entering operational or endangered areas.


Kalbarri SES volunteers have attended the following training courses over the last month:

Fire Bomber Loading:

Local SES volunteers along with Fire and Rescue Service volunteers attended Kalbarri Airstrip where they were trained by DPAW officers in the reloading of aerial fire bombers. An aircraft attended and, after completing drills on the safe loading of water and fire retardant foam, demonstrated how the load was dropped onto a fire front. This training will benefit in the case of a major fire as SES personnel can attend to loading the bombers allowing trained firefighters to remain at the fire front.

Bushfire awareness:

Kalbarri Fire and Rescue service provided local SES volunteers with a full day of training in Bushfire awareness. This will enable SES volunteers to safely support FRS personnel in fire operations. Many thanks to Kalbarri FRS for providing this opportunity to our volunteers.

Flood boat training:

As part of regular fortnightly evening training, Kalbarri SES launched their flood boat and inflatable in the river and practised rescue drills and boat handling skills. Crews practised recovery of casualties from the water into the boats as well as manoeuvring the boat in difficult conditions.

Rope rescue training:

On Monday 20th November local SES volunteers completed a rope rescue training scenario utilising the rope tower situated at the unit headquarters. Members were tasked to ascend the power using rope systems and then to descend to a point 30 meters from the tower. This involved constructing a haul system to raise members to the top of the tower and a flying fox to lower them to the demarcation area. The task was successfully completed and was a great way for volunteers to practice rope skills and construction of rope rescue systems.


