NDRC 2017
The bi annual National Disaster Rescue Challenge (NDRC) is being hosted by SES Tasmania in Hobart this year. It will be conducted on 11-12 November and in news this week, the site for the challenge will be the Department of Defence property ‘Fort Direction’ at South Arm, approximately 40 minutes South East of Hobart.
A West Australian team was selected from performances observed in Exercise preparation 2016. This team, under the watchful eye of Coach James Hines and a small team of specialist skilled Volunteers have been training together to form a composite team from the Perth metro area.
Training has been conducted at Northshore Unit HQ, DFES Academy and last weekend at Gosnells SES Unit HQ’s.
DFES has provided a grant to enable the WA team to attend this event. The SESVA negotiated with the chair of Australian Council of SES to enable the WA SES team to be involved.
Phillip Petersen ESM
NDRC2017 Team Manager
Squad members training |