SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

29/05/2017 – News from Kalbarri SES

Kalbarri SES June 2017 report

Operations attended in May 2017

Land Search in Geraldton:

Local residents south of Geraldton saw a distressed male attempting self harm in bushland. Upon being approached he ran off into dense scrub. Police contacted Geraldton SES to search the bushland. At the time a training course was being conducted in Geraldton and three Kalbarri SES volunteers were assisting with training. They attended this jab and with assistance from Geraldton SES volunteers and Police conducted a search of the bushland. The area was covered with dense scrub and was steep with hidden cliffs. A thorough search was conducted with no persons being located in the area.

Bogged vehicle recovery:

On 24th May Local SES volunteers received a call for assistance from a 4WD owner who had become bogged on the banks of the Murchison River east of Kalbarri. Volunteers attended and successfully extricated the vehicles from the soft, muddy river bank.


Kalbarri SES volunteers have attended the following training courses over the last month:

Navigate to an incident:

Volunteers attended training in Geraldton and learned navigation skills. This was followed by a practical navigation exercise held in bushland east of Geraldton.

Manage injuries and casualty transfer:

An intensive three day course was held in Kalbarri on 12th to 14th May with volunteers learning advanced first aid skills including moving casualties using various equipment, administering oxygen, imobilisation and assessing and monitoring casualties. These are important skills for SES volunteers attending rescue and other operation.

SES Volunteers training session

