SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

06/10/2014 – Conference thanks from SESVA President

A Thank you to the SES Volunteers
I would like to thank the 135 SES Volunteers who attended the Volunteers Conference on the weekend.  Overall it was a positive weekend with a large amount of information being delivered from a number of speakers on many subjects.  The networking and exchange of ideas was extensive.  The attendance of more than 90 SES Volunteers at the SESVA AGM and open forum is unprecedented.  These sessions were very positive and the input received constructive.

The presentation of the President’s Award went to one of the most highly respected and well regarded SES Volunteers in Western Australia, Bernie McNamara, with over 44 years of service as a Volunteer and staff member.

Over the coming weeks, the Association’s Executive will be collating the feedback, input from the conference sessions and the Volunteer Opinion Survey. This information will assist in working through with the DFES Commissioner and his staff to improve service delivery and other matters to the SES Volunteers.

Once again thank you to all of the SES Volunteers for their participation at the 2014 Volunteers conference.
Gordon Hall
President SESVA


Bernie McNamara recieving his award from SESVA President Gordon Hall

