SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

07/02/2014 – SESVA Presidents News Letter


From the President’s Desk

In the President’s February report he firstly congratulates the many SES Volunteers who have supported the Western Australian Community through the devastating fires over summer and at the same time ensuring they are prepared for other natural hazards such as cyclones and mini-tornadoes.  Gordon then writes about a number of coming events such as the SESVA Journal and trainer/assessor upgrades and also includes some updates on the 2014 Volunteer Conference and the SES Awards Night.

Gordon then goes on to list a number of the issues on the FES Commissioner’s SES Issues Register and the progress of those items. In particular the fact that “On Road Driving” is no longer a pre-requisite for “Off Road Driving” for SES Volunteers.

Read the President’s full Newsletter===>2014 February President Newsletter.pdf

