SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

08/08/2018 – Emergency Smartphone App

Smartphone App for calling Emergency numbers


The Smartphone App detailed in this article is a valuable tool that can be used by you and family members or friends if they need to call for emergency assistance from Police, Fire or Ambulance on the 000 line or the Police or SES for other types of non-emergency assistance while in a mobile phone network area.   By opening the App (once downloaded) it will quickly identify the phone users location by address (eg 120 Smith Street Dianella, WA 6145) and by GPS Coordinates (eg LAT: -3212743° LONG: – 115.85608°) for use when travelling through semi /rural areas. It also has a 000, 132500 and 131444 icon that can be pushed to dial the respective service you require.  When a person does not know exactly where they are the use of the application will speed up the process of identifying the users location before calling for assistance and passing on that information. This is critical when moving through a rural/semi rural environment with a mobile phone network.

Sixty five per cent of calls to the emergency Triple Zero (000) number are made from mobile phones, with many people unsure of their exact location. This makes it difficult for Triple Zero operators to accurately and quickly dispatch emergency services.   The Emergency+ app offers callers the ability to verbally provide emergency operators with their location information as determined by their smartphone’s GPS functionality.

It also provides users with the contact numbers and a short explanation of when to call ‘non-emergency’ numbers such as the Police Assistance Line (131 444) and the State Emergency Service (SES) national call centre (13 2500).   “Once downloaded, the key functions to the app are the speed at which people can connect to either Triple Zero or the Police Assistance line, and the ability to pass on their exact location. Callers who are uncertain as to their location or in unfamiliar surroundings can then be auto-located via our system.   The Emergency+ app is available free of charge from Google Play or the App store.

