Rockingham-Kwinana SES has a busy Sunday
At 0820hrs on Sunday the RKSES duty team, Mark, Ian, Lynda and Bridget attended a ceiling collapse in Baldivis. The ceiling collapse had occurred in their main lounge room where they normally gather on a Sunday morning. Fortunately no one was in the room when the ceiling collapsed. The room was made safe and debris removed and handed back to the owners – without any lighting.
The team had no sooner packed everything away and headed home when they got a second call at 1440 hrs. This call was for a car versus house in Rockingham. Two cars had collided with one then veering into the garage wall of a residential property. There was significant structural damage to the garage wall and external fencing. This required roof beams to be supported by acrow props and securely braced. The premises was made safe and taped off in readiness for any insurance attendance and action.